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[Index] 【08.09.08】【08.08.19】A seires of the M V of <The Princess >-

发表于 2008-9-8 00:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( y9 K, T3 m) e  V
& @  @1 W  ]1 {8 Y; ^' T5 I
The background music has been offered by a friend who named Chenazhu one month ago.
I want to say sorry to her as the delay of this MV.
I put the helpless whoop of Anothai into the MV.
Hope you will like this MV~~.
Background music: I’m only love you--Peng Qing: L; Y' k" p- l
I got a a piece of background music which can be matched again.
I have an itch to do it and I was even likely to be a sadist of myself.
It causes me a heartache as everybody.
What a serious illness! I am incorrigible.( i2 s2 U1 g, ]' e( `- D2 s
Most editing and rearrangement is Anothai.Please don’t cry if you love him.~~2 u2 i+ P0 @) K: s( F- M/ Y- ~
. ; }+ t1 T* r/ ]3 a# P; e
Background music: Chrysanthemum stage--Jay Zhou
This MV is flashbacked. Please remember that if there is someone make you feel sad at the beginning, there will be a sunshine smile waiting for you,to round-the-world at the end.
1 j6 }8 l/ N4 c" E5 R+ i
3 O+ L( O) M! v) _( W: J: o
Background music: Be round-the-world with you--Zhang Zhen8 l; Y! ~' k" @+ X& z6 V  E, ]% m
There was one MV had been made which I post it ago: Waiting for a sunny day-- A promise in a future life between Nala and Anothai
发表于 2008-9-8 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
It 's  night  .You  work  so  hard,thank  you  very  much!
发表于 2008-9-8 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
oh,no,It is morning,Good morning,thank you for your working hard.
发表于 2008-9-8 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
Don't be sad for Anothai,I hope you have a good mood for everyday.
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